The City of Concordia continues to monitor recommendations from KDHE and the CDC regarding the ever-evolving Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. The health and safety of our citizens and staff is the City’s highest priority. Following careful evaluation of normal operations, the City will implement a few small changes in an effort to help mitigate the spread of this and other viruses, while continuing to provide full services to our residents.
• The City Hall lobby will remain open. We ask that patrons use the lobby dropbox or alley dropbox to submit water bill payments or recreation program registration and fees. When paying with cash, please use an envelope - exact change is encouraged. A receipt will be given only upon request. Online and automatic bank draft payments are also available for water bill payments. Staff will continue to assist patrons with questions through the interior lobby window.
• Department heads will continue to assist patrons through email and phone calls. However, face to face meetings are being limited at this time. Please call ahead to schedule an appointment.
• In an effort to minimize touchpoints during transactions, we will suspend the issuance of dog tags through March 31. Free dog registration will continue through the month of April.
• Parks will remain open. However, shelters are not being rented at this time. The City encourages our residents to follow current CDC guidelines regarding the gatherings of people and to practice social distancing.
• Broadway Plaza will remain open. However, events scheduled through April 13 have been cancelled.
• City Commission meetings will be held via Zoom video conferencing beginning March 18. The City’s various advisory boards may choose to postpone meetings, especially if public hearings are involved, or may choose to meet via Zoom video conferencing. These meetings are still open to the public per the Kansas Open Meetings Act. The link to the meeting will be posted on our website under Commission Packets. Click the link to join the meeting. wwwconcordiaks.org
• As a reminder, please only flush toilet paper. Items used as personal hygiene such as wipes and paper towels should be disposed of in the trash. Thank you for helping us keep the sanitary sewer lines clear.
Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. The City encourages residents to remain calm and to follow precautionary measures provided by the CDC, such as washing your hands and staying home when sick. These steps will play an essential role in protecting the health of our community during any infectious disease outbreak.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020